Categories Oil Trading Courses

Code 15 ES,NQ ($500)

Code 15: ES & NQ Course (New 2024)

Works on ES, NQ  ($500)

Code 15 is the largest code and replaces Code 4 in that it’s much better in terms of mathematical success as well as smaller stops. Code 15 is very powerful and can be used in different ways. The math on this code is very high, 84% on the ES and a very impressive 90% on the NQ. For the ES the trade is calculated at a 40 dollar trade which equates to 160 ticks which is a $2,000 trade using one contract. The NQ however is a 200 dollar trade at 90% success rate which equates to 800 ticks which is a $4,000 trade, twice as much money as the ES. If you’re an NQ trader or just love trading the best instrument which offers the most amount of money to be made then the NQ and Code 15 may be perfect for you. Code 15 however is a very large code with the largest stop out of all the codes. You can however easily hit 1000 dollar trades on the NQ using Code 15 which equates to 4,000 ticks or $20,000 trade.

You can also use Code 15 in combination with other codes like Code 16, Code 8, Code 12. If you see the chart getting close to triggering Code 15 either long or short you can hold any one of those codes for a much larger trade than usual. And you can know which way the market will trend. This can also help you to hold positions using the other codes for more ticks holding in the right direction it’s going to go. So Code 15 can be used as an overall indicator of market direction as well as a monthly trading strategy where once per month you can take a trade that can make you a good deal of money with a very high mathematical chance of success.

Code 15 Stats ES and NQ:

ES = 84% Success Rate
NQ = 90% Success Rate

Frequency of trade: Once per month

Can be used as a “set and forget” method of trading which the math on this page is calculated for. Or can be used to go for very big trades like 1000 dollar +4000 tick trades on the NQ once per month. This can really make trading easy to the average person rather than having to trade every day. Can also be used for the big trader who can play break even stops by using alerts of market prices so stop can be set 24 hours per day then you can go for the big trades and hit them roughly 6 times out of ten trades. That’s where the big money is and the NQ offers the most potential to make money.

This code is where you get to “roll the dice” while having the math of your side the whole entire time. If you love the thrill of hitting the big trades you’re going to love Code 15.

Note: You can also trade my other Code 15 courses and take a big trade on Gold and Oil and USD. All of which offer extremely high math attached to them. They all have different codes to them and can be taken at different times through the month and hit all the big trades for each instrument. Again if you love “rolling the dice” especially with the math so high on your side then this code is for you.

Note: This code only comes one time per month and this code has the largest stops out of all the codes. So this is not for smaller accounts and or beginners. This code is for advanced players and big players who want to leverage the market in their favor at a much higher and more profitable level.

I think if you like playing the market at higher levels so that you don’t need to watch the market much then Code 15 might be perfect for you. You’ve got the best math trading can get and you’ve got the potential to make a great deal of money if so you desire to do so.

Happy Trading,


Oil Trading Academy

Categories Oil Trading Courses

Code 16 Video Course ($500)

Code 16: Video Course (New 2024)

Works on ES, NQ, YM, CL, GC, USD ($500)

Welcome to a whole new level of trading accuracy with Code 16. Boasting a whopping unheard of 92% success rate on the ES on a set and forget type of trading strategy where you do not need to set break even stops or watch the trade in anyway. Once you set your orders to go both long and short you can stop watching the trade and let it take care of itself either winning or losing without having to worry about it.

Code 16 also has an 85% success rate on the NQ for +200 ticks. With a 92% success on the ES for 32 ticks. Either way you go with either ES or NQ using Code 16 you will have some serious math behind you to work with.

The math drops down to 75% on Gold and Dow. The USD drops to 73% and Oil down to 68%, making both of them not good for using Code 16. But if you trade the ES you cannot beat a 92% success rate. And if you trade the NQ you cannot beat 85% success rate on +200 ticks. This is taking the accuracy of a daily code to a whole new level of success.

Code 16 is designed to be a “set and forget” type of trade where you just set your orders going both long and short and then walk away from the trade, letting it take care of the orders automatically for you.

Code 16 orders are to be placed during the 1.5 hours that the market is closed from 4:30pm EST to 6:00pm EST.

Code 16 is perfect for those who cannot day trade and have a job or are busy during the day but can take two minutes to place orders every day after work.

Code 16 is also perfect for anyone who wants to have the luxury of having a 92% success everyday in making 32 ticks ($400 one contract) on the ES. Or trade the NQ (Nasdaq) with an 85% success rate everyday with a whopping +200 ticks ($1,000 trade one contract) profit.

Code 16 Stats:
ES    = 92%    Success Rate
NQ   = 85%    Success Rate
GC    = 75%    Success Rate
YM    = 75%   Success Rate
USD   = 73%  Success Rate
CL    = 68%    Success Rate

Clearly the strong winner is both the ES at 92% and NQ at 85%, both of these success rates is unheard of even in the codes themselves. I think this code is a real gift to all people with jobs during the day that cannot trade using Code 8, Code 12, and Code 14. This Code 16 now offers those people to build up their accounts and make good money without having to watch the trades.

All of the math you see me post here was calculated with a “set and forget” strategy where you do not need to watch the trade. With Code 16 it goes more than 32 ticks all the time, even going 200 ticks on the ES however if you want to set and forget the trade and not watch it then you need to use 32 ticks for profit and you’ll hit your exit 92% of the time. You cannot beat that in the trading industry. On the NQ however you can hit +200 ticks at 85% success rate, which is making serious money.

I think you will really love Code 16 it’s a whole new breakthrough in trading accuracy and success.

Happy Trading,


Oil Trading Academy

Categories Oil Trading Courses

Code 14 Video Course ($500)

Code 14: Video Course (New 2023)

Works on ES, NQ, YM, CL, GC, USD ($500)

Code 14 comes very early for USA traders but is very good for Europe and Asia traders because it comes at the perfect time zone. This code is a very special code, for unlike any other code this particular code often has the most profit for the day. Code 14 is often times the high or the low for the entire day enabling you to continue to profit for the whole entire day, or for a large exit like 200 ticks on the YM, 200 ticks on the USD, 100 ticks on CL or more, 30 dollars on GC, or 30 dollars on ES very easily. This particular code also offers the smallest stop as well, making for a good combination of mathematical success rate, large daily day-trading profits, and relatively small stops. This one particular code is very lucrative on how you want to use it. Either for quick high % profits or for the whole day going for big trades and being able to hit them often all the while setting a breakeven stop once trade has hit initial target. This trade can really make a person a great deal of money if they live in the right time zone and they want to go for big trades everyday like +200 ticks. Code 14 and Code 12 go perfect together and often work together in tandem. This code is a day trading code as you will be in and out within the same day.

  • Stops: -100 average
  • Exit: +40 to +200 Ticks
  • Success Ratio: 80.76% Best, 76% Average

Happy Trading,


Oil Trading Academy

Categories Oil Trading Courses

Code 12 Video Course ($500)

Code 12: Video Course (New 2023)

Works on ES, NQ, YM, CL, GC, USD ($500)

Code 12 is the second main code I’ve used to build up my trading account from 200K to 850K in 8 months. Code 12 is a very powerful code that works on the ES, NQ, YM, GC, CL, USD. When you see Code 8 not working as good that’s when Code 12 will be working it’s best. When you see Code 12 not working as good that’s when Code 8 will be working the best. They both take turns back and forth as to which one is going to be the big mover. Lately the first part of the year January through June they are running Code 8. But after June they start running Code 12 instead. Both codes always work of course but one will not move as much as the other. Right now it’s May 2023 and Code 8 is working the best, and has the best math. Soon though Code 12 will be working the best and making the bigger moves with higher math behind it. Code 12 will either confirm Code 8 direction or it will reverse Code 8 direction, either way you can use Code 12 to make even more money in one day along with Code 8. Or just trade Code 12 by itself coming into the market a little later around 10:00am rather than 8:00am for Code 8. Code 12 played a major role in building up my account, when Code 12 is working it get’s red hot on it’s math and it’s ticks, you really don’t want to be without this code.

  • Stops: -150 average
  • Exit: $500 to $1,000 using one contract.
  • Success Ratio: 88% Best, 74% average.

Happy Trading,


Oil Trading Academy

Categories Oil Trading Courses

Code 8 Video Course ($500)

Code 8: Video Course (New 2023)

Works on ES, NQ, YM, CL, GC, USD ($500)

Code 8 represents a new breakthrough in the codes. This is one of the main codes I’ve used to build up my account from 200K to 850K in 8 months. This code is very powerful and works on the ES, NQ, YM, CL, GC, USD. This code boasts 86% accuracy on the ES. 78% accuracy on GC, NQ, USD. You can get 10 dollars on the ES everyday which is $500 using one contract. Or 50 dollars on the NQ which is 200 ticks or $1,000 every day. Or 5 dollars on GC which is $500 using one contract every day. Or 50-100 ticks on CL which is $500 to $1,000 every day.

Code 8 can be used for both day trading and swing trading as Code 8 is generally the true direction of the chart. So you can go for more ticks than usual if you want to hold overnight as Code 8 generally gives the direction for the overnight trade. You can easily double the ticks if you want to hold after the USA session has closed.

  • Stops: -150 to -250 (Depending on market conditions)
  • Exit: $500 to $1000 dollars using one contract.
  • Success Ratio: 86% Best, 78% average.

Happy Trading,


Oil Trading Academy

Categories Signal

Code Trading Signals ($300/Month)

Code Trading Signals ($300/Month)

Signals not available

Using the method of the codes I’ve been able to make a good breakthrough in that I’m now able to predict with a good deal of accuracy the days that will be losing days for Code 8 and Code 12. I’m also able to predict days that will be big movers or bottoms and tops on charts. This new ability will give the Code 8 and Code 12 trader a real advantage by losing less trades and be able to know at certain times when to go for larger trades than normal. This new ability will come by default with all signals sent, not sending on those days where it’s likely the trade won’t work, while at the same time giving signal on when to go for more ticks than usual.

Also I’m able to know which code whether Code 8 or Code 12 is the better code to take so that within the signals you’ll only be sent the best code for that day.

The signals will be good for Oil (CL), Gold (GC), USD.SDG, Nasdaq (NQ), Emini (ES), Dow (YM). Some may be sent using Code 8 while others may be Code 12, depending upon the day and instrument. Each instrument will get one signal per day.

With my new enhanced ability of being able to know which days will be the losing days and thus avoiding them in advance I’m able to cut down on losses from signals to a great degree. About a 70% reduction in losses while at the same time be able to know which trades are likely to hit big winners so that you can hold those for even more profit than usual. This new ability I have makes the signals much better than before.

Happy Trading,
