News Day Code: Video Course
(New 2024)
Works on ES, NQ, YM ($500)
News Day Code is for taking trades on big News Days. The following News Days are covered within this video course.
- Federal Funds Rate (1:00pm)
- Core CPI News (7:30am)
- Core PCE Price Index News (7:30am)
- Non-Farm Employment Change (7:30am)
For the Federal Funds Rate the YM has a 100% success rate. NQ & ES have 90%. For the Core CPI News the ES has a 100% success rate, the NQ 89% and YM 78%. For the Core PCE Price Index News the ES and YM both have 100% success rate and the NQ 89%. For the Non-Farm Employment Change the ES and YM both have 100% success rate and the NQ 78%.
As can clearly be seen this particular video course and codes with respect to specific News Days that come with regularity in the market you can achieve a 100% success rate by going with the YM for the Federal Funds Rate, ES for Core CPI News, ES or YM for Core PCE Price Index News, and ES or YM for Non-Farm Employment Change. This will give you access to a 100% success record and code.
Also you will notice from my course that these “news days” are making gigantic moves from them over a longer period of time from days to weeks. Giving you the opportunity to hit very big trades off of each one of them and enter into the trade with a 100% success rate behind it, allowing you to get ahead in the trade by a lot and then place a break-even stop on it and let it go. You can of course measure the codes and how many ticks they are good for on each of the News Days and then you’ll know how many ticks you can go for and hit with very high math. It’s common to hit 500 dollar trades on NQ which is 2000 ticks and at $5 per tick that’s a $10,000 trade. The point being made here is that these News Days are special points on the chart including highs/lows and these entries offer tremendous opportunities to both the day trader and swing trader.
I have never offered a course like this one before because I’ve never been able to achieve a 100% success rate before on any code. This is the first time that I’ve never been able to do so.
This course is a must have for all code traders as this course will give you a very powerful weapon to use on the markets. Never again will you have to stay out of taking a trade on the Federal Funds Rate day as the market won’t move until the News comes out at 1:00pm. Now you can nail that news and take a very nice profit from it instead like a 30 dollar trade (120 ticks) on the ES with a 100% success rate. At 100% success it makes it easy to increase contracts and make even more.
In this course you will learn how to easily know when the news comes out which can be found here: https://www.forexfactory.com/calendar
You will then use my News Day Code on each News Day and be able to win with a 100% success rate so far over the last two years. And if you happen to like going for “big trades” then this course will have even more value to you then just a 100% success rate.
This is the best course I’ve ever offered before and I hope you really enjoy it.
Happy Trading,
Oil Trading Academy

Code Prediction Signals ($300/Month)
Signals not available
This is a new service for Code 8 and Code 12 traders. I now have the ability to know which days are likely to be losing days. I can cut down on losses by about 70%. On top of this I’m also able to know which days are likely to be big movers for far more ticks than usual, and even know when bottoms and tops come on charts or will come that day.
This new service will cut down on all Code 8 and Code 12 losses by about 70%, which will really cut down on most losses that normally occur using these two codes. This new service will also know at certain times when it’s very likely that a particular trade will be for a big profit or not. And even be able to know when it’s likely to make a top or bottom on the chart so that the signal can be held for far more profit than usual.
As you know from trading Code 8 and Code 12 they are incredible codes that work so well. But imagine now you can cut down on your losses by 70% and only take 3 of the 10 losses you would have taken before. That really cuts down on losses a great deal. Thus being able to almost perfect the usage of Code 8 and Code 12.
I think that all current Code 8 and Code 12 traders will love this service. You will receive by Telegram App the previous day on what the next day will do, as I’m able to tell in advance by one day what the next day will be like. This will give you good advance notice of what the next trading day will be like and whether it’s likely to be a losing day or not and or a big moving day or not.
I think you will really love this new service.
Happy Trading,
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Code 9: Video Course (New 2024)
Works on ES, NQ, YM, GC, CL, USD.SGD ($500)
Code 9 is a day trading code and replaces both Code 1 and Code 3. Code 9 is an extremely accurate code that gives 4 trades per hour with an accuracy up to 95% success rate. The star of this code is CL at 95% accuracy using 10 tick exits at 4 trades per hour. ES is also at 95% success rate although not as many ticks for ES. The YM is at 94% success rate which is very high for the YM. GC is at 88% success and USD at 81%. As you can see Code 9 is an extremely accurate code.
Code 9 is especially good for traders who do not want to trade with large stops. Code 9 has very small stops compared to all the other codes.
Code 9 is red hot on CL and is the most accurate CL code I have to offer. Code 9 also works super well on the YM, NQ, GC all with very high math that other codes do not offer.
Code 9 is great for building up an account so you can trade Code 8, Code 12, Code 15, Code 16. Code 9 is perfect for day trading and perfect for beginners to start making money every day.
Here are the Code 9 instruments and stats:
CL = 95%
ES = 82% to 95%
YM = 78% to 94%
GC = 88%
NQ = 85%
USD = 81%
With the ES and YM the first stat is trading through the whole day. The second stat with the very high math is trading only during USA market hours and stopping early before lunch. And what you don’t see is that during this time period you can also go for much more ticks than usual, making the time even more profitable without the need to trade all day long. You get better math and more ticks and I give you the exact time frame in which to take the Code 9 trades for maximum profits.
If you don’t want to take the higher newer codes because their stops are rather large, then Code 9 is the answer. It will make your day trading very easy, very profitable, and very successful.
I know you will really love my Code 9 Course.
Happy Trading,
Oil Trading Academy
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Code 15: GC & USD.SGD Course
(New 2024)
Works on GC, USD.SGD ($500)
Code 15 is the largest code and replaces Code 4 in that it’s much better in terms of mathematical success as well as smaller stops. Code 15 is very powerful and can be used in different ways. The math on this code is very high, 85% on GC and a very impressive 98% on the USD.SGD for +200 ticks, 85% at +500 ticks. For GC the trade is calculated at a 20 dollar trade which equates to 200 ticks which is a $2,000 trade using one contract. The USD.SGD is a 200 tick trade at 85% success rate which equates to a $2,000 trade. If you’re a GC or USD.SGD trader Code 15 may be perfect for you. Code 15 however is a very large code with the largest stop out of all the codes. You can however easily hit 50 dollar trades on GC using Code 15 which equates to 500 ticks or $5,000 trade. You can hit 500 tick trades on the USD.SGD which is a $5,000 trade.
You can also use Code 15 in combination with other codes like Code 16, Code 8, Code 12. If you see the chart getting close to triggering Code 15 either long or short you can hold any one of those codes for a much larger trade than usual. And you can know which way the market will trend. This can also help you to hold positions using the other codes for more ticks holding in the right direction it’s going to go. So Code 15 can be used as an overall indicator of market direction as well as a monthly trading strategy where once per month you can take a trade that can make you a good deal of money with a very high mathematical chance of success.
Code 15 Stats GC and USD.SGD:
GC +200 Ticks = 85% Success Rate
USD.SGD +200 Ticks = 98% Success Rate
USD.SGD +500 Ticks = 85% Success Rate
Frequency of trade: Once per month
Can be used as a “set and forget” method of trading which the math on this page is calculated for. Or can be used to go for very big trades like +1000 tick trades on the USD.SGD once per month. This can really make trading easy to the average person rather than having to trade every day. Can also be used for the big trader who can play break even stops by using alerts of market prices so stop can be set 24 hours per day then you can go for the big trades and hit them roughly 6 times out of ten trades. That’s where the big money is and both GC and USD.SGD offer excellent potential to make money.
This code is where you get to “roll the dice” while having the math of your side the whole entire time. If you love the thrill of hitting the big trades you’re going to love Code 15.
Note: You can also trade my other Code 15 courses and take a big trade on NQ, CL, ES, YM. All of which offer extremely high math attached to them. They all have different codes to them and can be taken at different times through the month and hit all the big trades for each instrument. Again if you love “rolling the dice” especially with the math so high on your side then this code is for you.
Note: This code only comes one time per month and this code has the largest stops out of all the codes. So this is not for smaller accounts and or beginners. This code is for advanced players and big players who want to leverage the market in their favor at a much higher and more profitable level.
I think if you like playing the market at higher levels so that you don’t need to watch the market much then Code 15 might be perfect for you. You’ve got the best math trading can get and you’ve got the potential to make a great deal of money if so you desire to do so.
Happy Trading,
Oil Trading Academy
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Code 15: YM & CL Course (New 2024)
Works on YM, CL ($500)
Code 15 is the largest code and replaces Code 4 in that it’s much better in terms of mathematical success as well as smaller stops. Code 15 is very powerful and can be used in different ways. The math on this code is very high, 86% on the YM and 88% on CL. For the YM the trade is calculated at a 200 tick trade which equates to a $1,000 trade using one contract. CL however is a 200 tick trade at 88% success rate which equates to a $2,000 trade, twice as much money as the YM. If you’re a CL trader Code 15 may be perfect for you. Code 15 however is a very large code with the largest stop out of all the codes. You can however easily hit 500 tick trades on CL using Code 15 which equates a $5,000 trade.
You can also use Code 15 in combination with other codes like Code 16, Code 8, Code 12. If you see the chart getting close to triggering Code 15 either long or short you can hold any one of those codes for a much larger trade than usual. And you can know which way the market will trend. This can also help you to hold positions using the other codes for more ticks holding in the right direction it’s going to go. So Code 15 can be used as an overall indicator of market direction as well as a monthly trading strategy where once per month you can take a trade that can make you a good deal of money with a very high mathematical chance of success.
Code 15 Stats YM and CL:
YM = 86% Success Rate
CL = 88% Success Rate
Frequency of trade: Once per month
Can be used as a “set and forget” method of trading which the math on this page is calculated for. Or can be used to go for very big trades like +500 tick trades on CL once per month. This can really make trading easy to the average person rather than having to trade every day. Can also be used for the big trader who can play break even stops by using alerts of market prices so stop can be set 24 hours per day then you can go for the big trades and hit them roughly 6 times out of ten trades. That’s where the big money is and CL is very good with Code 15, having the highest math on CL.
This code is where you get to “roll the dice” while having the math on your side the whole entire time. If you love the thrill of hitting the big trades you’re going to love Code 15.
Note: You can also trade my other Code 15 courses and take a big trade on Gold and NQ and USD. All of which offer extremely high math attached to them. They all have different codes to them and can be taken at different times through the month and hit all the big trades for each instrument. Again if you love “rolling the dice” especially with the math so high on your side then this code is for you.
Note: This code only comes one time per month and this code has the largest stops out of all the codes. So this is not for smaller accounts and or beginners. This code is for advanced players and big players who want to leverage the market in their favor at a much higher and more profitable level.
I think if you like playing the market at higher levels so that you don’t need to watch the market much then Code 15 might be perfect for you. You’ve got the best math trading can get and you’ve got the potential to make a great deal of money if so you desire to do so.
Happy Trading,
Oil Trading Academy