Code 9 is a day trading code and replaces both Code 1 and Code 3. Code 9 is an extremely accurate code that gives 4 trades per hour with an accuracy up to 95% success rate. The star of this code is CL at 95% accuracy using 10 tick exits at 4 trades per hour. ES is also at 95% success rate although not as many ticks for ES. The YM is at 94% success rate which is very high for the YM. GC is at 88% success and USD at 81%. As you can see Code 9 is an extremely accurate code.
Code 9 is especially good for traders who do not want to trade with large stops. Code 9 has very small stops compared to all the other codes.
Code 9 is red hot on CL and is the most accurate CL code I have to offer. Code 9 also works super well on the YM, NQ, GC all with very high math that other codes do not offer.
Code 9 is great for building up an account so you can trade Code 8, Code 12, Code 15, Code 16. Code 9 is perfect for day trading and perfect for beginners to start making money every day.
Here are the Code 9 instruments and stats:
CLÂ Â Â =Â Â 95%
ES   =  82% to 95%
YM  =  78% to 94%
GCÂ Â Â =Â Â 88%
NQÂ Â =Â Â 85%
USDÂ =Â Â 81%
With the ES and YM the first stat is trading through the whole day. The second stat with the very high math is trading only during USA market hours and stopping early before lunch. And what you don’t see is that during this time period you can also go for much more ticks than usual, making the time even more profitable without the need to trade all day long. You get better math and more ticks and I give you the exact time frame in which to take the Code 9 trades for maximum profits.
If you don’t want to take the higher newer codes because their stops are rather large, then Code 9 is the answer. It will make your day trading very easy, very profitable, and very successful.
I know you will really love my Code 9 Course.